
     Due to our business being connected to wood, timber and related products our responsibility to reduce the impact on the environment as far as this is ecologically and economically possible. Our responsibility to the natural environment is the same as that we owe to our customers, employees and society at large.
     Our commitment to the environment means that as far as possible we trying to save and protect forests, water resources and air quality. As in sawmill in Russia as while we sell timber we are trying to do everything to protect the environment and to comply with environmental legislation.
     Our policy is to invest money in new technology which will allow us reduce the amount of raw material waste produced by our business activities and to increase the amount of waste that we recycle or recover. We try to apply new technology and to make our production as far as possible wasteless: use wood chips for produce paper, shavings for presswood pallets, sawdust for chipboards and so on to find the best way to use our resources more efficiently!
     We also encourage our Russian suppliers to meet the same standards of environmental awareness and openness that we apply to ourselves.